
Please advise us how many “additional” locations, excluding your primary location, you occupy and/or operate your business out of.


Please select the structure that best describes your business. If you are in the process of setting up a business and haven’t yet decided, please select “Corporation or other organization” as we can still provide coverage. More details on each business type are listed below:

  • Individual/Sole Proprietor - An unincorporated business you own and run.
  • Joint Venture - A legal Agreement of two or more Parties who operate a business together.
  • Limited Liability Company – A legal form of a business that provides limited liability to the owner.
  • Partnership – A business entity in which partners share with each other the profits or losses of the business.
  • Trust – A business organized that acts for and on behalf of another person or instance. Corporation or other organization (other than the above) – Any Other type of business structure Recognized by the law.

For example, if you are quoting Professional Liability insurance please confirm whether or not you currently have an active Professional Liability policy. If this is the first time you are purchasing this type of insurance for your business or under this business name, or if there has been a lapse in coverage, please select “No”.


State the date you started to provide professional advice or services. This is not necessarily the date you registered or incorporated your business.


Please provide the higher of Either your total revenue or total gross sales your business will receive in the next 12 months. This includes all revenues, fees, and commissions from the sale of your professional services or goods sold. Do not include any taxes in this estimate.
