Construction Type


The following are the descriptions of the different contruction types of the buildings we insure:

  • Fire Resistive or Modified Fire Resistive - Roof,floors and exterior structural framing of the building are made of noncombustible material (e.g.,concert,steel). Exterior walls are typically masonry and reinforced concrete roofling.
  • Non-combustible - Roof,floors and exterior structural framing of the building are made of noncombustible material (e.g.,concert,steel).Roof construction is made of combustible materials, often flat/built-up roofs with tar/felt/rubber.
  • Frame - Typically a wooden building.
  • Joint Masonry - Roof and floors are wood or some other combustible material. Exterior walls are typically masonry,concrete or brick contruction.
  • Masonry Non-combustible - Roof is noncombustible (e.g.,steel,concrete).exterior walls are also non-combustible made of masonry materials not less then 4 inches thick.
  • Other - describe the construction if the building does not fit any of the decription above.

Existing Structure Information


Private Protection

Damage Disclosure


Nearest Exposed Structure


Loss Control
