
The following are the descriptions of the different contruction types of the buildings we insure:

  • Fire Resistive or Modified Fire Resistive - Roof,floors and exterior structural framing of the building are made of noncombustible material (e.g.,concert,steel). Exterior walls are typically masonry and reinforced concrete roofling.
  • Non-combustible - Roof,floors and exterior structural framing of the building are made of noncombustible material (e.g.,concert,steel).Roof construction is made of combustible materials, often flat/built-up roofs with tar/felt/rubber.
  • Frame - Typically a wooden building.
  • Joint Masonry - Roof and floors are wood or some other combustible material. Exterior walls are typically masonry,concrete or brick contruction.
  • Masonry Non-combustible - Roof is noncombustible (e.g.,steel,concrete).exterior walls are also non-combustible made of masonry materials not less then 4 inches thick.
  • Other - describe the construction if the building does not fit any of the decription above.

This is the amount it would cost to replace all of your business equipment with new or like kind equipment. Selecting a limit that is less then 80% of the full replacement cost may limit your ability to recover the full amount of a loss under the policy.


Please provide the total square footage of your building. This does not include a basement area unless it is open to the public.


The replacement cost amount you select should equal the cost to rebuild the building with materials of like kind and quality, Selecting a limit that is less then 80% of the full replacement cost may limit your ability to recover the ful amount of a loss under the policy.


Examples of this could include adding square footage, adding stories, or building out walls in your building.


This could include any bank or financial institution that holds a mortgage or lien on your building.


This is the total value of just your electronic equipment for all of your businesses locations. Selecting an amount that is less than 80% of the full replacement cost may limit your ability to recover the full amount of a loss under the policy.


A firewall is part of your network or computer systems that will block unauthorized access to your business information. Anti-virus software is used to prevent, detect and remove malicious software (i.e., computer viruses).


This includes vehicles rented for less than six months or an employee using their own vehicle for business purposes.
